Gaming Ps5 vs. Series X: Which next gen system are you leaning more towards?

Started by Galaxy, Feb 21, 2020, in Entertainment Add to Reading List

Which next gen console are you leaning more towards?

  1. Ps5

  2. Series X

  3. Neither, I'm playing strictly on Switch

  4. Neither, I'm playing strictly on PC

  5. I plan to get both

  1. Galaxy
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    Galaxy When I'm fxcked up, that's the real me

    Feb 21, 2020
    I've owned all the playstations since I was a kid, and this gen I almost bought myself an Xbone X but now I might hold off and get both next gen. What do you think?
    Jul 27, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Feb 21, 2020
    Ps5 >>>
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  3. DKC
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    DKC hank trill

    Feb 21, 2020
    Continue playing switch/ps4 and will get ps5 at a price drop probs cuz I heard it's gonna be $500 and I can't justify that purchase right off the bat.

    Absolutely nothing about the xbox one was appealing to me and I don't know anything about the Series X but sony has been consistent every generation.
    Jul 27, 2024
  4. Buddha
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    Feb 21, 2020
    Yea i have the same reaction and feelings towards the One and X.

    I’ll keep playing my Switch and buy the PS5 at launch since it’s backwards compatible with PS4 games. At that point I’ll give my PS4 to a family member or friend. Not sure what games will be available at the PS5 launch though. If there’s nothing that peaks my interest, I‘ll wait for the first price drop too. No reason to upgrade if none of the new PS5 games look fun.
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  5. TimmyT
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    TimmyT Two-A-Days

    Feb 21, 2020
    I’ll end up getting PlayStation 5. I’ve always had PlayStation, it’s what I’m use to

    I won’t get both because I like gaming but not that much
    Jul 27, 2024
  6. Enez
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    Enez Purple Heats Forever

    Feb 21, 2020
    i actually don’t think ill buy any new game console anymore after the switch. as soon as i future proof my pc, i’ll be using that for the rest of my life. plus, i could emulate any exclusives. so i won’t be missing much hopefully
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  7. Guma
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    Feb 22, 2020
    With the way things are going when it comes to sony exclusives I might pass on both since I upgraded my PC. Otherwise I would probably get PS5.
    Jul 27, 2024
  8. Galaxy
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    Galaxy When I'm fxcked up, that's the real me

    Feb 24, 2020
    Yeah the likelihood of playstation exclusives coming to PC seems to becoming more and more common going further into the future
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  9. Xmipod
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    Feb 24, 2020
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  10. Galaxy
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    Galaxy When I'm fxcked up, that's the real me

    Feb 25, 2020
    This video is super f---ing long but it'll give you a lot of info if you're interested in the Series X

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  11. dna hits
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    Feb 25, 2020
    I’m torn between what one to get first, but I’ll get both eventually. I’m liking the looks of the Series X more tbh. It comes down your favorite exclusive games.

    Halo Infinite is looking like it’s going to be a hit. The videos are giving me halo 3 vibes. I’m pissed off Microsoft ended up pushing its release date back just to sell it as a bundle when the X first releases. You know that’s their plan. And Sony also doesn’t have the gears of war series. Gears of War 2 is my favorite online multiplayer game of all time and played mlg, at one point. And Microsoft makes way better controllers than Sony. They fit the hand so much more smoothly and feel lighter, the triggers and d-pad naturally push more efficiently.

    But Sony has MLB The Show, which is my most favorite sports game. Also they ended paying Spider-Man’s company to work for them so future Spider-Man games will be PS exclusives only. That doesn’t bother me much, but the recent Spider-Man game blew everyone away who has tried it. It s----d me into the game, and I let my brother in law borrow it and he also enjoyed it. The Last of Us is a big ps exclusive. The first one was too repetitive imo and reminds me of a resident evil rip off. I also read the price for the PS5 may only be $500, which isn’t bad. I think for me it will come down to what exclusives are coming out first that I really want to play and buy that console.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  12. Galaxy
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    Galaxy When I'm fxcked up, that's the real me

    Feb 25, 2020
    I think I read somewhere that MLB The Show is gonna be multiplatform either next year or the year after.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  13. Pyrex
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    Pyrex Say His Name And He Appears

    Mar 1, 2020

    Playstation will have far better exclusive games than Xbox. This current gen Xbox has been embarrassing and Sony has r---d Microsoft these last 7 years.
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  14. dna hits
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    Mar 1, 2020
    The Xbox 360 r---d the ps3 in sales and everything from what I remember. I have a Xbox one and PS4. For multiplayer gaming, give me Xbox any day. And the controllers are far more superior than the lazy uncomfortable PlayStation design.

    And PlayStation won’t have “far” better exclusive games. The Last of Us is just a attempt at copying resident evil. They will have Spider-Man, which will be big. But Microsoft will have the new Halo, which will be massive and the biggest online multiplayer game. I’m not sold on Sony having the better exclusives. And Microsoft has gears of war.
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  15. Pyrex
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    Pyrex Say His Name And He Appears

    Mar 1, 2020
    PS3 has sold more than 360, it's very close though.

    Everyone xbox fan seems to think Halo is better than every other game ever while the last few years PS4 has had big high selling and actual critically acclaimed games such as Last of Us 1 and 2, Spiderman, God of War, Death Stranding, Horizon Zero Dawn, Until Dawn, Detroit Become Human, Uncharted, Infamous Second Son, Ghost of Tsushima will be out this year, Bloodborne.

    What has xbox one had? Forza, Sunset Overdrive and Halo.

    Also PS4 has sold millions more consoles than xbox one.

    Let's not forget how Microsoft embarrassed themselves when they announced the xbox one at E3 and just kept talking about features you could do one the interface because once they showed the Forza and Halo trailer they had no other games to talk about. Lol
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    Jul 27, 2024
  16. Galaxy
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    Galaxy When I'm fxcked up, that's the real me

    Mar 1, 2020
    Honestly man this post reads like a straight up hater, even though you say you own both consoles. It's the first time I ever heard anyone call TLOU a Resident Evil ripoff.

    In the beginning of the 7th gen, the 360 was kicking the Ps3's a--- in sales and until 2008-2009, Sony had a hard time playing catch up in regions like the U.S and U.K. By the end of the generation though the overall worldwide sales were pretty close, but the fact that the 360 was the primary console platform for the majority of the generation cemented mS as a key player in the console market. Both of them are sitting at around 85-90 million consoles sold.

    As far as multiplayer goes...just gimme dat crossplay
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    Jul 27, 2024
  17. dna hits
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    Mar 2, 2020
    I’m far from a Sony hater. I was a huge Sony fan since a little kid during the ps1 days. I still enjoy PlayStation overall more than Xbox tbh. Other than the controller and multiplayer gameplay. Yes I remember when the 360 was kicking the ps3’s a---. Then the ps3 purposely did a big price drop, to get families to buy their young kids the ps3. To this day, anyone in the professional gaming field will say the Xbox 360 was better than the ps3. Other than that Xbox console, I’m not saying Microsoft is better overall. I played a couple hours of TLOU. And it honestly just reminded me of a game trying to replicate resident evil 4. It gets way too repetitive. The storyline becomes boring and drawn out. I get tired of doing the same sneak tactics over and over again. At least Dead Rising felt like its own game. Without just copying resident evil. If you played on gamebattles or MLG, you would understand how Microsoft is a better online gaming platform. I’m talking serious competitive gaming. Not just playing online for fun with a few friends or they’re the same.

    @Pyrex I’m not a big halo fan and never was. Some of their huge fans are toxic and annoying. I’m just saying, the game is going to be huge on the new generation consoles. They pushed this halo game back just to release it with the new console. The most recent couple videos look amazing. Better than any multiplayer game I’ve seen Sony show. Which they have nothing multiplayer wise that’s going to compete with Halo, let’s be honest here. Gears of war has a dedicated fan base for competitive multiplayer gaming. Sony has some decent exclusive campaign games. But that’s it. The 360 easily beat the ps3. The PS4 beat the Xbox One. We’ll see which console wins the next war.

    Like I said I’ll get both eventually. But atm, with the most recent Xbox released videos and showing how advanced the console is. I would buy the new Xbox before the new PlayStation. It’s looking like the superior console tbh. There’s a reason the new PlayStation is going to have a cheap a--- version that’s $100-200 cheaper than the Xbox. At least that’s what the current rumors are.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  18. Galaxy
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    Galaxy When I'm fxcked up, that's the real me

    Mar 2, 2020
    I think the professional gaming field may be divided on which last gen console was better. For example, as much as the 360 was selling, for the first four years on its market, the hardware was also failing. At its peak, the 360 had over 50% RROD. The price of the Ps3 was cut probably to go alongside the marketing of the slim version, but I don't think it was necessarily just to market it toward a younger and family audience, as some of its best games came out after the price cut and were M rated
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    Jul 27, 2024
  19. Mraczewsky
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    Mraczewsky r.i.p. mac

    Mar 2, 2020
    ill get series X cause it has game pass which is ridiculusly cheap and plus you can nickname your Xbox Series X "SEX"
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    Jul 27, 2024
  20. Galaxy
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    Galaxy When I'm fxcked up, that's the real me

    Mar 3, 2020
    A lot of people will probably abbreviated it as XSX which if you say that does kinda sound like you're saying sex
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