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About jankland

It's not gay if it's consensual

Most Posts - July

    1. missing
      missing Jan 28, 2024
      keep my name outta yo keyboard
      1 1
      jankland likes this.
      1. jankland
        jankland Jan 28, 2024
        I'll c-m in your keyboard to make the keys stick so you could have no comebacks.
        1 1
        missing likes this.
    2. BIGFOOT
      BIGFOOT Jan 3, 2023
      5/10 Poster
      4 4
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      2. Ripper Roo
        Ripper Roo Jan 3, 2023
        Awe, we are rating each other now? This is cute!!!
      3. Kevin
        Kevin Jul 21, 2023
        Bit generous here m8
        1 1
        BIGFOOT likes this.
      4. jankland
        jankland Jul 21, 2023
        @Kevin is a bit mad that he isn't in the cool kids group
        1 1
        BIGFOOT likes this.
    3. parentaladvisory
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and Chrollo like this.
      1. jankland
        jankland Dec 13, 2022
        @Ricky Why does Bill Burr have to be based so often when I'm supposed to hate him to make you mad?
    4. jankland
      jankland Nov 20, 2022
      Women, am I right fellas?
      3 3
      Chrollo, Evad and Ripper Roo like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jankland
        jankland Nov 20, 2022
        3 3
        Chrollo, Ripper Roo and Evad like this.
      3. Evad
        Evad Nov 20, 2022
        Men, am I right ladies? (please have sex with me)
        3 3
        Chrollo, jankland and Ripper Roo like this.
      4. Chrollo
        Chrollo Nov 21, 2022
        i’m over here strokin my d-ck i got lotion on my d-ck rn i’m jus strokin my s--- i’m horny as f--- man i’m a freak
        3 3
        jankland, Evad and Ripper Roo like this.
    5. jankland
      jankland Oct 23, 2022
      Life is like a sandwich, no matter which way you flip it the bread comes first.
      3 3
      Evad, Ripper Roo and poopdogg like this.
      1. poopdogg
        poopdogg Oct 23, 2022
        Yes brother but also life is like a sandwich cause skux mother is always in the middle
        3 3
        jankland, BIGFOOT and Evad like this.
    6. jankland
      jankland Sep 16, 2022
      Paramore single on the 28th, happiest man in the world rn.
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      Chrollo and Ripper Roo like this.
      1. jankland
        jankland Sep 27, 2022
        Wanted them to drop the project this year but it's dropping in February, good early birthday present still.
        0 0
    7. Wreckless
      Wreckless Jun 13, 2022
      Wow this looks just like skyrim
      3 3
      1. jankland
        jankland Jun 13, 2022
        It look just like the battle pass
        1 1
        Wreckless likes this.
    8. DaddyChungus1221
      DaddyChungus1221 Jan 20, 2022
      Dad I found you finally
      1 1
      jankland likes this.
      1. jankland
        jankland Jan 20, 2022
        Oh god you found out. I didn't want you to know.
        0 0
    9. jankland
      jankland Oct 20, 2021
      My d-ck is fat and black call it Urethra Franklin
      3 3
      waterpls, StinkyCnter and hargydon like this.
      1. StinkyCnter
        StinkyCnter Jan 11, 2022
        Urethra Franklin lmfaoo
        1 1
        jankland likes this.
    10. lowkitz
      lowkitz Oct 19, 2021
      Deez nuts
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      Ordinary Joel and jankland like this.
      1. jankland
        jankland Oct 19, 2021
        You ever hear of the mind goblin?
        2 2
        lowkitz and Ordinary Joel like this.
    11. jankland
      jankland Sep 6, 2021
      Ever since Family Ties came out I've been using the hard R
      2 2
      1. jankland
        jankland Sep 6, 2021
        1 1
        parentaladvisory likes this.
      2. parentaladvisory
        parentaladvisory Sep 6, 2021
        Oh s---, I thought about the other word
        3 3
        BIGFOOT, jankland and Jay Zeus like this.
    12. jankland
      jankland Aug 23, 2021
      That hurricane was b---- made it was just wind for like four hours lol
      3 3
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      2. jankland
        jankland Aug 23, 2021
        @Chrollo I'm happy but I was expecting a little more adrenaline to be released but I don't want to jinx something worse lol
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Chrollo like this.
      3. jankland
        jankland Aug 23, 2021
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and poopdogg like this.
      4. poopdogg
        poopdogg Aug 23, 2021
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and jankland like this.
    13. jankland
      jankland Aug 21, 2021
      My state is gonna be hit with it's first hurricane in 30yrs and it's also hitting the same day I was supposed to be at a concert fml
      3 3
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      2. jankland
        jankland Aug 21, 2021
        @K18 El Duderino my brother is a big Kiss fan so we got tickets and this'll be our last time to see them since it's their farewell tour
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      3. K18 El Duderino
        K18 El Duderino Aug 22, 2021
        damnnnnnnn i know that has to hurt
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and jankland like this.
      4. jankland
        jankland Aug 22, 2021
        @K18 El Duderino Yeah I'm hoping it doesn't hit us that bad so we can still go cause idk if it's been cancelled yet
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
    14. CARNIFEX
      CARNIFEX Aug 14, 2021
      Looking good in your avatar bro I like the goatee
      6 6
      1. jankland
        jankland Aug 14, 2021
        Thanks man it took 17 years to grow this s---
    15. CARNIFEX
      CARNIFEX Aug 9, 2021
      10/10 poster
      6 6
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      2. CARNIFEX
        CARNIFEX Aug 11, 2021
        Did you ever get around to listening to the slipknot songs? Not youre thing?
        1 1
        jankland likes this.
      3. jankland
        jankland Aug 11, 2021
        I think you need to dm me those songs cause there was so many links on that page that the videos weren't loading on my phone anymore lol
        1 1
        CARNIFEX likes this.
      4. CARNIFEX
        CARNIFEX Aug 11, 2021
        Hate going on that page for that reason lol I got you bro give me a bit and I'll dm you some s---
        1 1
        jankland likes this.
    16. jankland
      jankland Jul 17, 2021
      Back from vacation and dispite feeling like s--- for the week I was there and having one tiny emotional breakdown before I left -- 1/2
      4 4
      1. jankland
        jankland Jul 17, 2021
        I would say it was still a pretty good time h--- I got to see my niece for the first time my mom, sister, brother-in-law, and some family friends all of whom I rarely see so i would say it was really worth it :) 2/2
      2. DKC
        DKC Jul 17, 2021
        Everyone needs a good emotional breakdown once in awhile!
      3. jankland
        jankland Jul 17, 2021
    17. jankland
      jankland Jul 5, 2021
      Getting sick a week before you have to get on a plane to see your newborn niece is pretty f---ing annoying ngl
      4 4
      1. jankland
        jankland Jul 5, 2021
        Thank God I'm starting to feel better after a few days though
    18. jankland
      jankland May 27, 2021
      My new profile pic is very specific to a few things so I can see who among you are actually cultured
      3 3
      1. parentaladvisory
        parentaladvisory May 28, 2021
        Well I guess I'm a uncultured swine then
        1 1
        jankland likes this.
      2. jankland
        jankland May 28, 2021
        Its okay @Ricky all we have is time so I can teach you eventually lol
        1 1
        parentaladvisory likes this.
    19. jankland
      jankland May 21, 2021
      I do so much shitposting irl that it's bound to create a boy who cried wolf situation eventually
      2 2
    20. parentaladvisory
      parentaladvisory Feb 26, 2021
      Happy Birthday! I hope you'll become another posting legend one day! Btw. How f---ing old are ya?
      4 4
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      2. parentaladvisory
        parentaladvisory Feb 26, 2021
        17 whaaaaaaaaaaaat, d---, this is f----- up, I'm 27 and I'm shook. But broski, you're on a path to become a great poster, so keep up! Also, if you're 17 you're legally to drink in Poland (well, when nobody's watching), so enjoy your day!
      3. lil uzi vert stan
        lil uzi vert stan Feb 26, 2021
        17 wow wtf. u were like 3 when i joined rb ...... and @Ricky he def already next generation legend fr
        5 5
        Ordinary Joel, DKC, Yeez and 2 others like this.
      4. parentaladvisory
        parentaladvisory Feb 26, 2021
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