Posts 188
Ratio 1:3.8

About Isabella

Most Posts - December

    1. Worm
      Worm Dec 19, 2020
      Are you mom's spaghetti? Cause you make my knees weak and my palms sweaty
      4 4
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Worm
        Worm Dec 20, 2020
        Mano don't talk to my future wife like that
        1 1
        Isabella likes this.
      3. Isabella
        Isabella Dec 20, 2020
        Interesting to see you here, Mano : ) just say you want no trouble, pls
        0 0
      4. Mano
        Mano Dec 20, 2020
        No trouble from my side. Worm can consider himself lucky...for now
        1 1
        Worm likes this.
    2. Deadpool
      2 2
      Ordinary Joel and Isabella like this.
      1. Oldboy
        Oldboy Apr 24, 2017
        pretty gay
      2. Isabella
        Isabella Apr 25, 2017
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
    3. Deadpool
      3 3
      Isabella, Ordinary Joel and Guma like this.
      1. Guma
        Guma Mar 29, 2017
        new avy I see
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
      2. Deadpool
        Deadpool Mar 29, 2017
        just going through some u know me
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Guma like this.
      3. Isabella
        Isabella Mar 30, 2017
        Classy little b------
        2 2
        Deadpool and Guma like this.
    4. Deadpool
      Deadpool Mar 28, 2017
      do u like my new avi?
      2 2
      Isabella and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. Isabella
        Isabella Mar 29, 2017
        Lol my favorite one yet
        1 1
        Deadpool likes this.
    5. Deadpool
      Deadpool Mar 17, 2017
      your smile brightens my day more than the sun
      4 4
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Deadpool
        Deadpool Mar 19, 2017
        thanks man i really thought about it
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      3. Isabella
        Isabella Mar 19, 2017
        Very poetic .. like I'm being e-serenaded
        3 3
        Jay Zeus, Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
      4. Deadpool
        Deadpool Mar 19, 2017
        If it takes me 1000 poems to have a chance with you I'll make 2000
        2 2
        Isabella and Ordinary Joel like this.
    6. Final
      Final Feb 14, 2017
      Will you be my Valentine? :wub:
      4 4
      1. Deadpool
        Deadpool Feb 14, 2017
        2 2
        Isabella and Ordinary Joel like this.
      2. Isabella
        Isabella Feb 16, 2017
        Aw I missed the deadline. Will you accept a belated valentine?
        2 2
        Ordinary Joel and Final like this.
    7. Oldboy
      Oldboy Oct 13, 2016
      Happy bday my izzy. Worm pmed me today having sucidal thoughts. I told him dont k--- urself on izzys birthday. He couldnt believe it was ur birthday lol..what a "friend" huh? Have a good one
      6 6
      Nori, Ordinary Joel, Isabella and 3 others like this.
      1. Ordinary Joel
        Ordinary Joel Oct 13, 2016
        HBD Isabella!
        1 1
        Isabella likes this.
    8. Worm
    9. Deadpool
      Deadpool Jul 23, 2016
      post more :emoji_relaxed:
      2 2
      Isabella and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Final
        Final Jul 23, 2016
        2 avoid fuccbois like U n Norat
        3 3
        Isabella, Ordinary Joel and Deadpool like this.
      3. Deadpool
        Deadpool Jul 23, 2016
        u right
        2 2
        Isabella and Ordinary Joel like this.
      4. Isabella
        Isabella Jul 24, 2016
        Lol I'll continue to post with caution
        1 1
        Deadpool likes this.
    10. Deadpool
      Deadpool Mar 14, 2016
      dont watch Gods of Egypt its horrible
      2 2
      Immy and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. Immy
        Immy Mar 14, 2016
        I saw it loooooool pray for me
        1 1
        Deadpool likes this.
    11. Nashepear
      Nashepear Feb 25, 2016
      ISAGODDAMNBELLA >: ( where are you? :emoji_slight_frown:
      3 3
      TimmyT, Ordinary Joel and Jordan like this.
    12. Final
    13. Nori
      Nori Jan 10, 2016
      5 5
      1. Mr Rager
        Mr Rager Jan 10, 2016
        When did you start doing this s--- behind my back?
        1 1
        Nick likes this.
    14. Nashepear
      Nashepear Jan 10, 2016
      1v1 me >: (
      1 1
      Music likes this.
    15. Nori
      5 5
      Guma, Deadpool, Isabella and 2 others like this.
      1. Ordinary Joel
        Ordinary Joel Dec 15, 2015
        I OBJECT!
        3 3
        Guma, Isabella and Nori like this.
      2. Final
      3. Isabella
        Isabella Dec 15, 2015
        Lol you're quite the artist Nori
        3 3
        Guma, Deadpool and Ordinary Joel like this.
    16. Deadpool
      Deadpool Dec 15, 2015
      mano told me to check on u u good?
      5 5
      Guma, Isabella, Ordinary Joel and 2 others like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ordinary Joel
        Ordinary Joel Dec 15, 2015
        If you need me to ban these guys I'll do so in a heartbeat. :wow5:
        3 3
        Guma, Deadpool and Final like this.
      3. Final
        Final Dec 15, 2015
        do it anyways
        3 3
        Guma, Deadpool and Ordinary Joel like this.
      4. Isabella
        Isabella Dec 15, 2015
        I'm fully rested, alive & well @Whoeverreallywantedtoknow

        Joel, these guys humor me.. Don't pull the plug yet lol
        4 4
        Guma, Deadpool, Mano and 1 other person like this.
    17. Nori
      Nori Dec 15, 2015
      Hey :)
      1 1
      Ordinary Joel likes this.
    18. Deadpool
      Deadpool Dec 9, 2015
      We should chill and watch netflix sometime anime, tv show, movie whatever u like :emoji_relaxed:
      3 3
      Ordinary Joel, Music and Mike Tyson like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Isabella
        Isabella Dec 9, 2015
        Thank you for clarifying I was a bit confused. It sounds interesting.. Where can I find this chat?
        3 3
        Ordinary Joel, Final and Deadpool like this.
      3. Deadpool
        Deadpool Dec 9, 2015
        1 1
        Ordinary Joel likes this.
      4. Isabella
        Isabella Dec 10, 2015
        I see .. keeping this in mind : )
        1 1
        Deadpool likes this.
    19. Final
      Final Dec 6, 2015
      I got the whopper on deck no dollar menu - Deadpool
      5 5
      Soldier, Deadpool, Nori and 2 others like this.
    20. Deadpool
      Deadpool Nov 7, 2015
      I s---t these words like Cupid's bow, to attain your love, your angel face makes every angel envious, the love u have, worthiness I do not pertain, but to witness your love, whether yes or no I'm not ashamed
      4 4
      1. Ordinary Joel
        Ordinary Joel Nov 7, 2015
      2. Deadpool
        Deadpool Nov 7, 2015
        i simp high for a beauty that can move mountains with her love
        2 2
        Isabella and Ordinary Joel like this.
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