Politics 2024 General Election Thread

Started by Enigma, Apr 28, 2020, in Life Add to Reading List

Who did you/are you voting for?

This poll will close on Nov 6, 2024 at 9:52 AM.
  1. Kamala Harris

  2. Donald Trump

  3. Third Party

  4. Abstaining

  5. Not a US Citizen, but would vote Democrat

  6. Not a US Citizen, but would vote Trump

  7. Not a US Citizen, but would vote third party or abstain

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Apr 28, 2020

    With the primaries pretty much over, I think this thread is warranted. We have our two major candidates: Joe Biden (D) & Donald Trump (R)
    Oct 22, 2024
  2. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Apr 28, 2020

    Justin Amash was a long time Republican. He left the party in 2019 & today announced his presidential campaign as a third party candidate. Could be significant player for conservatives/moderates who don’t like either Trump or Biden.
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    Oct 22, 2024
  3. Colonel Mustang
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    Colonel Mustang it's a terrible day for rain

    Apr 28, 2020
    Should be a very close race, imo.
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    Oct 22, 2024
  4. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Apr 30, 2020
    I don’t think the pandemic in itself will grant Biden an easy win in November but it’s putting a lot of pressure on Trump. Almost everything Trump does from now till a vaccine is discovered is going to matter 10x as much as what Biden does. Polling has already shown Trump’s approvals beginning to slip. His gafs in the daily Coronavirus press briefings aren’t helping him either. However, it’s a long time till November.
    Oct 22, 2024
  5. Goku187
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    Apr 30, 2020
    Trump telling Americans to poison themselves could be a big problem for him. Then again, it was equally bad when Biden stumbled over his words, saying “D-don’t poison yourselves.” It’s a 50-50 race, imho
    Oct 22, 2024
  6. icecube
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    icecube West Coast is the Best Coast

    Apr 30, 2020
    Trump obviously about to be re-elected. It would be more of a punishment for him to continue the presidency in this f----- up world.

    Looks like the time travellers were right. Just wish they would've told us the reason why.
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    Oct 22, 2024
  7. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    Apr 30, 2020
    No one will remember that s--- come November. Gaffes only start playing a factor come the fall.
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    Oct 22, 2024
  8. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    Apr 30, 2020
    There are a few very plausible electoral tie scenarios this year, which would be a nightmare.
    00FAE53F-140D-44CF-BEEA-B66240EE5B33.png 9DDB0230-FFF8-4DC7-966B-5B26B4B800F5.png B3C00F05-1D6B-4D89-A7BE-96FBB2BDA3F2.png
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    Oct 22, 2024
  9. lil uzi vert stan
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    Apr 30, 2020
    lmao @Swizz. btw, this is pretty compelling/damning for those of you 'on the fence':


    ofc, this will become "but her emails!" for biden. obama was a foreginer! kerrys a war criminal!
    so far, looks like dems have a good shot in pa, wisconsin, michigan, az, and possibly florida/nc/ohio. we will see!
    Oct 22, 2024
  10. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    Apr 30, 2020
    I don’t see Ohio going blue, any of the other states you mentioned seem like fair game. Depending on VP pick + turnout he may be able to win GA which would be huge
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    Oct 22, 2024
  11. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Apr 30, 2020
    The premise I don’t agree with here is that the court of public opinion abides by the same rules as a legal court. I don’t need to have evidence that makes me think “beyond a reasonable doubt” that Biden sexually assaulted her. He’s running for the highest office in the land. The burden is on him to convince us (voters) that these at least somewhat credible accusations aren’t true.

    I’m not on the “edge” about Biden though. I’m almost certainly going to vote for him come November. However, the bar for public office needs to remain high.
    0 0
    Oct 22, 2024
  12. lil uzi vert stan
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    Apr 30, 2020
    How should he do that besides what this article essentially lays out? Like, she’s unwell. but for better or worse that is probably out of bounds for Biden unless you say something extremely delicately gesturing 1000 yards away from it. Acknowledge her “truth” by saying u feel badly for her then you also have to say "clearly this is not going to stop forces out to defeat me from using a fabricated accusation as a false equivalency to president trump who faces over one dozen highly credible allegations of assault and countless more of harassment"

    Fact is this is a totally fabricated nothing burger that’s been drummed up even if you consider the facts/logic for even a millisecond
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
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    Oct 22, 2024
  13. Enigma
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    Apr 30, 2020
    Im not totally sure but sitting behind & letting your press secretary dish out standard/expected denial responses while pieces of her story get corroborated isn’t the most convincing. Politically, he ought to keep doing what he’s doing. It’s not a top story right now because of the pandemic so why make it one? Also, there’s misogyny at play here where most people don’t care/take sexual assault serious enough so why bother if the voters don’t really care? Especially 7 months out from Election Day.

    At the same time though, if you’re going to take this approach of flat out denial & brush under the rug, regardless of what else develops, people have the right to question your integrity a bit. He’s going to get asked about this next time he sits down for an interview. His response then I think will be telling.
    0 0
    Oct 22, 2024
  14. lil uzi vert stan
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    Apr 30, 2020
    If you were wrongly accused of r--- wouldn’t you flat out deny it? And what’s being brushed under the rug they’ve called for an investigation- still if it’s a character assassination how much should they be promoting it lol
    What pieces?

    Anyway he’s going to discuss on morning joe tmrw
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    Oct 22, 2024
  15. Enigma
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    Apr 30, 2020
    Yes but I feel like I’d also being doing more to clear my name if I was 100% certain I did not do it. I’d open up about it to the media, reflect on my interactions with her, hand over every & any form of communication I had with her whether it be text or email etc. Again though, this would probably hurt the campaign. Just have to see how it plays out.
    0 0
    Oct 22, 2024
  16. lil uzi vert stan
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    Apr 30, 2020
    I mean the grim reality is you can’t truly disprove a 30 year old allegation like this. Especially while navigating the presidential politics. So many trap doors
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    Oct 22, 2024
  17. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 1, 2020

    @cpt awesome WPG joint acc this was good. People are going to harp on why he’s so adamant about his papers at the University of Delaware not containing anything but I doubt anything having to due with this allegation is in there.

    Another solid campaign ad too btw:

    Polling numbers in swing states looking good so far too:

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    Oct 22, 2024
  18. lil uzi vert stan
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    May 1, 2020
    "What's he hiding" "But her emails!"
    Meanwhile Trump refuses to release his tax returns. Like FOH with that double standard.....

    Statement was great, framed it well. Morning Joe was good too. And good on Mika for not going soft, this needed to be addressed head on. Lets just hope a) theres nothing even vaguely related in National Archives bc that'll create a firestorm. and b ) lets hope U of Delaware (go blue hens) have a great security system. bc you know trumps team would love to read his transcripts

    What did everyone else think? :)
    Enigma likes this.
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    Oct 22, 2024
  19. WPG
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    WPG sxn80 Rory Gilmore

    May 1, 2020
    i think it would be in poor taste to joke about this so know i'm very serious when i say, after watching that video, that this mf definitely has dementia. someone get him to a couch somewhere
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    Oldboy, M Solo and Zeugma like this.
    Oct 22, 2024
  20. lil uzi vert stan
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    May 1, 2020
    Has dementia! Also a r--ist! And something something Ukraine! Just endorse trump already lol
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    Oct 22, 2024