Eminem J. Cole Calls Out Eminem, Justin Timberlake, & Iggy Azalea on ‘Fire Squad’

Started by Detroit24, Dec 3, 2014, in Eminem Add to Reading List

  1. Detroit24
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    Dec 3, 2014
    J. Cole’s album 2014 Forest Hills Drive is not officially out yet, but it’s already sparking controversy. On the leaked track “Fire Squad,” the North Carolina rapper calls out some famous white artists for appropriating black culture.
    “History repeats itself and that’s just how it goes / Same way that these rappers always bite each other’s flows / Same thing that my ni**a Elvis did with rock ‘n’ roll / Justin Timberlake, Eminem, and then Macklemore,” raps Cole, who appeared on the remix to Timberlake’s “TKO.”

    He also has some words for Iggy Azalea, who beat Eminem and Drake for Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album and Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist at this year’s American Music Awards.
    “While silly ni**as argue over who gon’ snatch the crown / Look around my ni**a, white people have snatched the sound / This year I’ll probably go to the awards dappered down / Watch Iggy win a Grammy as I try to crack a smile.”
    He’s quick to add, “I’m just playin’, but all good jokes contain true s--- / Same rope you climb up on, they’ll hang you with.”

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  2. Mike Tyson
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    Dec 3, 2014
    this will henceforth be called the "Iggy Twitter Rant Anticipation Thread"
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  3. Medici
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    Medici comin' for the top dollah

    Dec 3, 2014
    He ain't wrong. What would be interesting is if he wrote that line before the awards that Iggy won.
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  4. FreeAgent
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    Dec 3, 2014
    If someone joked about pissing in her corn flakes Iggy would probably go on a 150+ character Twitter rant
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  5. asvdawg
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    Dec 3, 2014
    well, what he is saying IS true, but I wouldn't call it a diss, he is basically restating what Em said in Without me "i am the worst thing since elvis presley to do black music so selfishly and use it to get myself wealthy" Its just people like Macklemore and Iggy that are ruining it for white people lol
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  6. Charlie Work
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    Charlie Work Level 5 Goblin

    Dec 3, 2014
    Eminem said as much himself. Not controversial.
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  7. jewtheiii
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    Dec 3, 2014
    How is that true?

    Essentially these kind of perspectives blame an individual for having an affinity for an art form, choosing to create in that art form, and being successful at their creations. This is misguided. The real issue is a populace who ONLY celebrates the rapper with white skin and refuses to recognize the greatness of others because of their skin color. If there are problems to be had with Eminem it is not because he does rap music but rather he has created poor rap music. The real problem is all the kids who proudly claim they don't listen to hip-hop except for Eminem and then assert that he is the greatest.
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  8. The Pinnacle
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    Dec 3, 2014
    You're way off base man. Nobody is blaming anybody for anything. But in American history black people have been the ones to set musical trends. Jazz, rock, rap, pretty much everything. Even country music was derived from gospel, which was started by African Americans. That's all he saying.

    If you're disagreeing with that tidbit that iggy and Macklemore are making white people look bad then I won't judge you for your taste :blunt:
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
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  9. jewtheiii
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    Dec 3, 2014
    The words used imply a negative connotation. Cole reflects that discussing who is the King of Hip-Hop is absurd. There's no really point to the conservation for if you begin to quantify them then one may have to admit that white artist are the kings. He doesn't think this is a positive thing either as he has to try to crack a smile. Yes, he follows up with a I'm just joking comment like Eminem did with White America but that's inconsequential. It's a I'm sorry but I'm not sorry. The song reflects on the fickle nature of people with low confidence while asserting braggadocio, the allure of ego, and concludes with J. Cole espousing some beliefs about himself and humanity.

    Generally, these kind of comments assert an individual is not good enough, of being undeserved of their success because of their white skin. One could be more direct and say "You don't deserve this because you're white and there's better artists out there than you who are black." Again, they are being blamed or accused. He doesn't like that they're as popular and as successful as they are using Hip-Hop.

    Why do you think country music is derived from Gospel? Where did you learn this?

    No, Iggy and Macklemore don't make white people look bad just like black people don't look bad when Cam'ron articulates himself oddly on a syndicated cable news show. Why? Because white people, black people, brown people - humans aren't the borg, we don't share a collective consciousness. If they look bad is only reflects on them and one may possibly hypothesize about the general population that supports them.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2014
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  10. Empire State Of Mind
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    Empire State Of Mind Revival Is Trash

    Dec 3, 2014
    why are people saying all over the net that if Em would respond or not? really doubt he would since we all know him being white plays a role in his sucess.
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  11. LebronFlockaJames
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    Dec 4, 2014
    Dude, I think you're thinking about this a little too much/deep. All Cole is saying is since Iggy and Macklemore are white they get more attention and praise. At the same time some people think they have made the music look bad by making stupid mainstream/corny records and not innovating the music in a good way. Take that as you will
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  12. The Pinnacle
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    Dec 4, 2014
    You're trying reallllly hard to sound smart and it's realllllly backfiring on you right now. Cole specifically said in one of his songs that they shouldn't be arguing over who is the king, that it's stupid, so that right there tells me you're talking out if your a---. Have of the s--- you're rambling on about is literally coming out of nowhere. Cole's comments in the song were in reference to the fact that white people take over genres that black people start. And that's just a fact that's not even something you can really debate, but I'm willing to go on in you are lol

    And I learned that fact about country music in an honors music history/humanities course I took at U of A. Took it as an elective but it turned out to be one of my faves.

    Anything else :)
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  13. eddie313
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    Dec 4, 2014
    I cant see Eminem bumpin J Cole...its too black for him...I doubt Em will pay this any mind he's counting that Shady XV money
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  14. Tommy Zing
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    Dec 4, 2014
    Eminem said J. Cole was one of his favourite current artists in tons of Bad Meets Evil press interviews.. he definitely listens to J. Cole. It doesn't matter though because this really isn't much of a diss, it's just pointing something out that's a pretty common fact. It's not much different from Cole saying "If my skin [was] pale, would I then sell like Eminem or Adele?" on Crooked Smile
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  15. shadowgun
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    Dec 4, 2014
    Truth is, J Cole is an f---ing idiot, and a very good reflection of how sterile race debates can get in the US. I'm always amazed when I'm bored and reading through Youtube comments at how much hatred is thrown there.
    Not saying all Americans are like that, but you guys should seriously stop thinking like it's the 20th century. Culture has become global, beyond race or nationality. Hip Hop was created 40 years ago, by black people, it evolved into a worldwide movement and now it's not about being white, black, Chinese or American. It's about skills. It's not theft, it's just evolution and dumb f---s like J Cole should be proud that a movement created by his ancestors is pushing millions of white kids to cop CDs and even start rapping, instead of lamenting it.
    It's like being white and claim black people shouldn't use electricity because they didn't invent it.
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  16. eddie313
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    Dec 4, 2014
    Oh ok I had no idea thanks for the info
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  17. xyz
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    xyz hi

    Dec 4, 2014
    Em basically pointed this out back in 2002, no?

    I am the worst thing since Elvis Presley
    To do black music so selfishly
    And used it to get myself wealthy

    Who knows, maybe em will take offense.. seems unlikely though.
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  18. SWERVO
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    Dec 4, 2014
    only person he really dissed here is iggy, f---ing r-----s always taking it out of context. listen to the f---ing lyrics
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  19. Empire State Of Mind
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    Empire State Of Mind Revival Is Trash

    Dec 4, 2014
    Trick Trick thought it was Em related, he said he would whoop Cole's a---

    < link removed >
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  20. jewtheiii
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    Dec 4, 2014
    Yeah, you should learn how to read. I stated that,

    1. J. Cole thinks that "Who is the King of Hip-Hop?" conversation is pointless.
    2) it's pointless because if you quantify it then white artists are more successful.
    3) He doesn't agree with this. - HOW DO I KNOW THIS? Because he has to crack a smile.

    When you have to force yourself to smile it's not real. It's fake.

    This is not hard to understand.

    Next time. how about you actually address what I had to say instead of just saying it comes out of nowhere? We could have a semi-decent conversation instead of you just ignoring everything I type.

    Additionally, the class is wrong about the evolution of country music coming from black gospel. It's a very incomplete perspective that ignores too many other facts. What facts? How about all the British and Irish immigrants who carried their music with them here? You think they just stopped liking their music and took up black gospel?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2014
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