Oct 31, 2018 saw it 6 days ago. I liked it, 7/10.(ive seen every halloween). like u guys said, keep the podcasters longer would have made the movie better, I completely agree.
Oct 31, 2018 warched Phantasm. creepy s---, creepy atmosphere. love the score. v underrated movie. on to Silent Hill
Oct 31, 2018 Nice!! Got a day off its 8 am now lmao Started h3, next its tales of halloween, elmstreet, trick r treat and halloween '78. Then tonight the new one at the cinema
Oct 31, 2018 exquisite after Silent Hill im doin Halloween 1-4 & maybe Curse. i like H20 but i already saw it like 50 million times on tv reruns this month. & then it is party time
Oct 31, 2018 Nice!!! Attending a halloween party? Also trick r treat really is a love letter to the halloween holiday/traditions. Love that movie
Oct 31, 2018 rewatched Sometimes...They Come Back last nite. Also caught the original Pet Semetary. only a mini Stephen King kick heh sometimes...tcb is def slight King. like a more macabre Stand By Me. (Also, lmao both movies feature a sadsack teacher relocating his family to New England.)
Oct 31, 2018 So finally I've seen it. I honestly have to let it sink in before I can give my final thoughts (after 1 time I mean, gonna watch it again when its out on dvd) It had moments I loved, moments I hated, and moments that were just there.. have to sleep a night on this Will give a review tomorrow
Nov 2, 2018 I'm writing down my thoughts rn but this clip is definitely one of the highlights of the movie for me I was so happy when this happened
Nov 2, 2018 The twist itself was pretty surprising. And kinda I dunno, good. But 5 mins later he was dead and it was never explored.. so basically, pointless lol. Gonna post my thoughts in a few but honestly most of the stuff you guys said (both good and bad points) I agree with
Nov 2, 2018 Spoiler Okay so I can't look at this movie without comparing it. Basically this is a remake of H20 but with a different view on it (especially Laurie's character). My judgement rn isn't worth s--- rn because I'm gonna have to watch this a few more times when I get the dvd. Before I go into the movie itself.. this whole different storylines s--- is confusing as h---. I mean H4 and H20 was no problem since it was about 2 different stories: Haddonfield in 4 and Laurie in H20. But after seeing H20 monday it was so weird seeing the same character so differently lmao. I honestly prefer the 'I'm traumatized but try to move on w my life' Laurie over the 'obsessed, I home alone'd my house' Laurie. I do think Laurie's daughter and granddaughter >>>> John from H20. They are the only 2 characters besides Laurie that I cared about. On to the actual movie. The intro/theme; goddamnit I loved it. Nice throwback to the original with the same yellow text. Of course it doesn't mean s--- but I liked it. The 2 reporters searching Michael and trying to make him talk, while he's at Smiths Grove. I hate that they showed Michaels face, I like that the reporter tried to get a reaction out of him w the mask. The doctor (the 'new' Loomis, f--- off lol) was annoying from the first moment I saw him. Then we are introduced to Laurie's daughter and granddaughter. Judy Greer was AMAZING in this movie, the husband was a huge douchebag. We see the reporters go to Laurie, trying to get a reaction out of her. I was kinda hard feeling sorry for her at this point since she acted like a total b----. I actually kinda liked the reporters. Still, the whole storyline was pointless as f--- since they got killed off before they could actually add something meaningful to the movie. In the end the only purpose was Michael geting the mask back lmao, a shame really. I think @Big Dangerous mentioned this before. I did love the gas station scene a lot because 1. It was the gas station from Halloween 4, cool af and 2. the scene w the girl on the bathroom was straight out of H20. A little before that we got the escape from the bus scene which was cool. I like that he killed that little kid because thats who Michael is, he doesn't give a s---: he's the shape! The scenes w Laurie, her daughter, husband and granddaughter arguing were really kinda boring. The scene where they walked down the streets was obviously from the OG except I NEVER cared for the fat f--- and the blonde.. Annie and Linda were TOTALLY more interesting. Anyways, Michael got his mask back and at the theatre it was a break. I was like, yeah this s--- is pretty boring so far. Then after the break it was Halloween evening and that is when it started to get interesting. The clip I posted above literally gave me goosebumps. The kids bumping into him was a copy of Halloween 2 (w the soundeffect being the same) and the Halloween theme followed by it, while he walked down the streets and killed that woman, which was a nice throwback to mr and mrs elrod from H2 as well. We get some talks between the sherrif, the doctor and Laurie which is also kinda similar to 2 except w a little more boring characters. The cops waiting by Laurie's house were also unfunny and the dialogue....ughhh. Then we get the scene w the blond girl and the little black kid. Like I said, she was so little in this movie I never cared for her (unlike the babysitters in Halloween 1 and 4 that were killed). I do think until the end the convo between her and the kid was hilarious. 'you gonna invite ur friends to smoke pot' It was hilarious, until the point where she was butchered and the kid just said: oh s---. Totally unrealistic. Then the friendzoned fat kid got killed. Loved that scene even tho again I never cared for him. Really like how they played w the lights and the k--- itself was cool af too. This was Michael the way I like him. Alison runs through the woods and eventually gets found by the doctor and the sherrif. They look for Michael and eventually find him. The twist w the doctor saving Michael could have been pretty interesting but instead its not explored and he gets killed 3 minutes later lol. Again, pointless. Then Michael gets to laurie's house and he kills the annoying husband. The fight that follows between them is pretty great altough all the traps in the house were kinda I dunno, lame. I do like how she protects her daughter. After some more fighting they eventually work together and he is (supposed to be) dead. I loved that. I know that @M Solo was scared it was gonna be a WOMEN POWER movie, but honestly I think it wasn't. They were all great even though it was really hard getting used to the same character being played totally different (compared to laurie in H20). I can't stress enough how confusing that feels, still lol. The biggest W for this movie is the use of Halloween and Haddonfield. Loved the scenes in the town and Michael was in top form. The daughter, granddaughter were great characters as well.. and I liked the reporters. Other than that, like I think @ComfortablyNumb said, the other characters were mostly annoying as f--- and I never cared for any of them. Overall, on first watch I liked most of it. It's not as good as 1 and I'm not sure if I can put it over 4 or 2. I do like it a lot more than H20 (except I liked the concept of that movie more, the execution was boring as f---) and 5,6,ressurrection and the s-----y zombie remakes. I also think this might grow on me. Can't wait to see it again. It definitely had some really great parts that made me happy, despite the questionable parts/s-----y side characters. Now, let's discuss! @DetroitSkills @marshmallow @Rick @M Solo @ComfortablyNumb @Sign Language etc
Nov 2, 2018 @Michael Myers for me right now i'd probably say it's fourth behind 1, 2, and 4 Just like 5, H20, etc. it has flaws and also has really good parts. I think the good outweighs the bad easily tho and there's more good here than in any of those others
Nov 2, 2018 Also I believe M Solo disagrees but this was one of the best 2-3 Michaels imo. Nothing beats the original obviously but this Michael was more similar to H1/H2 Michael than any of the others
Nov 2, 2018 Yeah agree. The one thing that makes Michael michael is the stalking. He did that here similar to 1 and 2 and less in 4-5-6 and h20
Nov 2, 2018 @Michael Myers another problem I had that nobody had mentioned was the cheap scare baby scene. During the bus crash it's "Okay cool. He's killing kids now." But then "OMG is he going to k--- a baby!?" Like why even have that scene. And yeah the female power s--- was the least of my problems with this film. Who would have thought. Sidenote- Rewatched H2 the other night. There are days where that is my personal favorite.