Film Michael Myers' horror movies discussion thread

Started by Michael Myers, Apr 23, 2017, in Entertainment Add to Reading List

  1. Charlie Work
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    Charlie Work Level 5 Goblin

    Oct 13, 2017
    Mother Joan of the Angels is out on blu-ray apparently. I had to watch the dvd rip when I caught it. :crying2:
    Beautiful and heavy movie about an exorcism if anybody is interested.
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  2. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Oct 13, 2017
    Seems nice

    @DetroitSkills yh really dumb lol but I dont like that scene, rest is gr8
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  3. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

    Oct 13, 2017
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  4. ComfortablyNumb
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    Oct 13, 2017
    What about when Ben Tramer gets hit by a police car and it hits a van and spontaneously combusts.
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  5. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Oct 13, 2017

    I love the scene in H4 where those idiots k--- that kid and that one dude says 'you killed him you dumb son of a b----' :'(:'(
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  6. ComfortablyNumb
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    Oct 13, 2017
    Holy s--- I forgot about that part.
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  7. Big Dangerous
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    Oct 14, 2017
    So I watched the new Child's Play and wow, it was terrible. Like truly terrible. I remember the last one being surprisely decent but this was a shitshow. 4/10 and that's being kind, read below for my in-depth plot analysis of why this movie was literally r-----ed

    So it starts out decent enough, Andy Barclay keeps the decapitated shotgunned head of Chuck locked in a safe. He gets him out to talk to and torture him every now and then. The chuck head is awesomely done and is the best thing about this movie.

    Neka is blamed for the killings in the last movie and is placed in a high risk psychiatric ward but when the movie starts gets transferred to some plays that looks like Alaska.

    This is when the proverbial s--- starts leaking from this movies unkept anal cavity. So this place is full of psych patients and we end up meeting a handful (aka k--- bait) that become characters including an Asian b----, a guy named Malcom with multiple personality disorder, some old granny, a middle aged woman, and a gay Mexican who works at the asylum and a bimbo nurse. Also the head of the place is some old guy. Neka f---s Malcom btw

    So it becomes evidently clear easy that only these characters matter and literally everyone else in the building are background characters

    Anyway old boss guy introduces a good guy doll to the group to try to rehab Neka cause why the f--- not. Apparently she's been convinced she's a schizo and killed the ppl and chucky didn't exist. Anyways the middle aged woman takes the doll as if it's a baby (this is her mental disorder btw)

    Anyway even tho chuck's head is at andy's house human Tiffany who is apprently Alice's foster mother brings another good guy doll to the asylum. Also Alice is dead woops

    Of course they don't do the logical thing and say no thanks we don't want this doll. Instead the boss man puts it in his office. Well guess what big f---in mistake because this chucky is alive! The killfodder go through the usual 'chucky isn't alive yes he is prove it' shtick and determine the doll is harmless. New chuck spends the next 2/3 of the movie acting like a doll and slaughtering them on the side, with the characters believing this is Neka once again carrying out the murders

    I love how when ppl in psych get murdered the main characters just hang around the scene of the crime like 'yep I'm here to make a snide remark and to point blame at the protagonist' like that's how protocol would work in real life. It's f---in stupid. Also they think it's Neka instead of Chucky but can't prove it because the building has no cameras. LOOOOL.

    Asian woman is tied down to a chair and chucky uses a tank of compressed air to bust an overhead glass ceiling and the shattered glass falls down and I s--- YOU NOT DECAPITATES THE b----.

    At some point chuck animates the other chucky doll that the middle age woman had. There's two f---ing Chuckys now.

    Chucky manipulates the woman into taking him outside to a grave (they keep a burial ground on site for the patients just go with it ok) and Neka sends Malcom out to interfere but she pushes Malcom into the grave and it's hinted that Chucky possesses him. But he's also the doll. Also Chuck gives Neka the middle finger

    So boss man ends up hypnotizing Neka in his office to try and prove she is doing the killings, but turns out he's really a r--ist and has been raping her this whole time, oh well

    Chuck hits the boss with a glass of scotch and tries to get Neka to k--- him. She says no and I forget what happens here but Neka wakes up the next day and boss is still alive.

    Andy reads about the new murders on the Internet and sets out to save the day. Also he has his own chuck doll that he takes with him.

    Chucky sticks his arm down the middle aged woman's throat and kills her

    Andy finally arrives after third act butchering of the main cast and punches out the security guard in order to get admitted into the place (I'm sure this is not how things actually work in real life) . Anyways they put him in one of the padded rooms

    During the hysteria boss man gets Andy's chuck delivered to him in the mail. Odd

    He returns to his office to find Neka. She's in a straight jacket. He takes his time to molest her and puts red high heels on her feet for some reason. At this point Chuck knocks him out with more scotch. The other Chuck also shows up. We'll call him arm f--- Chuck. The two then find Andy's Chuck doll and summon him as well so there are three chucky's plus malcom. Gay Mexican walks in just in time for a three way chucky gangbang murder. They send Andy Chuck to go k--- Andy.

    The original 'new Chuck' then transmits his soul into Neka and she stomps the s--- out of boss man's head. He's dead now

    Chucky, now Neka, meets up with Malcom who had just killed bimbo nurse. Turns out he wasn't actually Chuck but he was just deceived into thinking he was Charles Lee Ray this whole time. Arm f--- chuck pops up from behind and drills his eyeball out. Arm f--- chuck then reverts back to a doll prolly so he can cause more chaos and dismemberment later

    Tiffany shows up outside the building and kills the security guard. Also she had a Tiffany doll in the backseat

    Andy Chuck finds Andy's room and tries to k--- him. Turns out Andy had put a pistol in Andy chuck's stomach (and somehow counted on being in a position to retrieve it?? f--- idk) and rips it out of his intestines. Andy shoots Andy Chuck in the head.

    Original New Neka Chuck shows up just in time to lock Andy's cell before he can leave. So much for him doing f--- all in this movie

    Neka Chuck meets up with Tiffany outside for some hot lesbian action. The two hop in the car before revealing that the Tiffany doll is also alive too

    They drive off the end
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2017
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    Feb 7, 2025
  8. Big Dangerous
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    Oct 14, 2017
    @Michael Myers u may be interested ^
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    Feb 7, 2025
  9. Michael Myers
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    Oct 14, 2017
    Gonna read it later, interesting score.. we'll discuss it!
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  10. Michael Myers
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    Oct 14, 2017
    @Changeling I'll explain tomorrow but it def had potential, but made some horrible choices and the whole splitting up the soul is the most r-----ed s--- ever

    Unlike most people I am glad with Tiffany being in it
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    Feb 7, 2025
  11. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Oct 14, 2017
    Nah im fine w/ Tiffany being in it Jennifer tilly used to be hot af
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  12. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Oct 14, 2017
    True but I also love the character. Bride was gr8 just seed was s-----y. She was used in this movie perfectly being charles sidekick that was not the problem of this movie

    Nika sucks should have ended that storyline like k--- her at the start
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  13. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Oct 14, 2017
    Honestly my main probs were the multiple chucky's and just the fact that how things happened in the movie outside of the supernatural bits are just not realistic at all like it was laughable
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  14. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Oct 14, 2017
    Absolutely that 1st line. r-----ed s---.. but this will probably get another sequel
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  15. ComfortablyNumb
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    Oct 14, 2017
    Yeah I thought Curse was better. But eh I didn’t hate Cult as bad as most did. I mean, it’s a Chucky movie. What do people expect. Though the suspension of disbelief for some things like the burial grounds being on site and Andy getting admitted into a mental hospital for punching someone. Like okay? But it was dumb fun. Kept me entertained for an hour and a half but I probably won’t rewatch it. And yes there will be another. There’s an after credits scene where *SPOILERS* Kyle from Child’s Play 2 shows up at Andy’s house to torture Chucky’s head some more. And yes it’s the same actress. This scene wasn’t on Netflix for whatever reason. I had to YouTube it.
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    Feb 7, 2025
  16. Michael Myers
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    Oct 15, 2017
    yeah it took me some time to decide what I thought of the movie and its meh. It gets very good ratings btw lol.

    I really liked the opening where andy tortured chucky. What I didn't like is the setting (a nuthouse, how original). Also why continue with that awful actress fiona dourif? Her character should have been killed off or they should have just move on from her.

    I liked what they did with tiffany bringing chucky to his enemies and the fact that andy wanted to chase him.

    However all of the characters and the storylines s----d. Nika f---ing that dude wtf? The old dude probably raping her wtf?

    Multiple chuckies like how? How can he split his soul and what is the 'real' charles lee ray? Very confusing and lame. Props for the original idea but I didn't like it at all.

    In the end nika gets possessed by chucky as well and drives away with tiffany and the doll lmao. Or is that charles lee ray in that body now?

    I didn't hate the movie really but it was more bad than good imo. s-----y characters, confusing story and an open ending.

    After a great return to form with Curse this was a major let down.

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    Feb 7, 2025
  17. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Oct 15, 2017
    But wait @Changeling *SPOILER*

    In seed of chucky tiffany took over jennifer tilly's body... shouldn't that mean that tilly is in the tiffany doll? Canon slander tbh
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    Feb 7, 2025
  18. Cyreides
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    Cyreides gfy

    Oct 15, 2017
    Watched Alien Covenant tonight, thought it was good. Don't get the s--- it got from people tbh, but then again, I quite enjoyed Prometheus and that was pretty divisive so eh

    What did you all think of it?
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    Feb 7, 2025
  19. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Oct 15, 2017
    Anyone seen annabelle creation and ouija beginning yet? Both seem to be million times better than the first parts but havent seen them yet
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  20. Cyreides
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    Cyreides gfy

    Oct 15, 2017
    No, but I was told they were both far better than the first ones

    Tempted to watch the new Annabelle
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