Mar 11, 2023 Yeah the sheriff k--- was realllly weird. Like it was during the day, everyone knew there was a killer. Yet nobody noticed. I mean obviously all scream movies (or horror movies in general) have moments like this but still smh lol
Mar 11, 2023 Yeah that's true regarding most horrors having dumb scenes, but this one was extra dumb lol. Saw that the new scream is set in New York. Man I got low expectations for this one. Hope I'm wrong. Let me know what it's like after you go and watch it fam.
Mar 11, 2023 I opened Youtube earlier and saw my favorite ese Movie critique's review of Scream and he loved it haven't watch the video yet, but that's what the title said. I kinda trust him, he's right most times.
Mar 11, 2023 What time of day do you guys watch horror movies? I have this thing where I usually only like to watch horror movies at night. Watching them during the day just feels weird to me
Mar 12, 2023 I think its really well made. But I had such high expectations as it being a scary horrormovie... And its just weird and lame. Just like US (altough US started really well). Flo was fine but it was one long weird ride and nothing horror to me. Yes, unsettling... but those scenes were too long imo. Just idk not for me.
Mar 12, 2023 Yeah honestly... Scream belongs in Woodsboro like Halloween belongs in Haddonfield. Thats why I think Halloween H20 isn't that good. Also my fav scream movies are in WB: Sceam 1, 4 and 5. The others are fine too. However I got to say I like the new lead (Sam) so no Sidney I think is okay. Glad Gale is still around though. I hope they stay true to what makes the franchise good and don't go over the top. I'll see tonight!
Mar 12, 2023 It depends. In general, at night as well. But slasher movies mostly aren't really scary, I can watch them during the day w the curtains closed too sometimes. And when I rewatch a movie (so knowing whats gonna happen) I also watch them during the day sometimes. Like in october I rewatch a lot of horrors, day and night. But haunted house movies like Insidious and Conjuring, I always try to watch them at night with all the lights off. Best way to make it at least a little scary!
Mar 12, 2023 @BIGFOOT @Marsh @Sign Language @Ripper Roo We have another winner! 6 movies in and still no bad one. I was very sceptic about this but it was exciting from start to finish.. some dumb choices obviously like always, and some things are like really impossible, but the characters from 5 really grew on me and they also did the legacy characters justice -one way or another- and it was great how they paid hommage to all the previous killers. Not gonna spoil anything, except if someone saw it I'm gonna put s--- in spoilers. I am very happy that... this is a half spoiler but not about the movie itself and how it goes: Spoiler they stopped ignoring Roman and Scream 3. They ignored the events of that movie in S4 and 5 but here he is mentioned and even showed in pictures etc. They do still ignore that he was the mastermind behind it all though.. still Billy the OG. Love how they paid hommage to Jill, Nancy Loomis, Micky etc etc too
Mar 12, 2023 Is it much better than 5? I'm hoping it is. Currently just about to finish It Follows. Pretty good movie but I don't think it's as deserving as some make it out be including it in top 10s etc. s----s still a really solid horror tho nd.
Mar 12, 2023 Well I liked 5. This one is different. I mostly hate 5 for Deweys death tho ngl. Aside from its different location the biggest change is the tone. This is less 'meta' and parody, and a more dark and serious tone. Also more character driven. Probably the least 'funny' one but imo definitely one of the better ones. Leads are great and so are the legacy characters. I honestly dunno why people wouldn't like this.
Mar 12, 2023 Also @BIGFOOT love it Follows. No top 10 OAT but definitely one of the better modern movies. Its something different than haunted houses yet very creepy. Smile is similar to it
Mar 13, 2023 Just out of watching Scream VI and wanted to share some thoughts - I like the New York setting it made for more interesting setpieces and had some different ways of building tension. - Saw some people say this one was more gruesome but I think I might disagree, it's basically on par V imo but the elevated tension adds a lot to it. - I have a similar problem with this movie as V where a lot of the more sappy stuff isn't particularly written well other than a couple things and I don't think Sam's actor does all that well compared to the rest of the cast. - Also saw people complaining about the motives of the killer but I find it to be in line with the amount of silliness displayed in previous movies so it didn't bother me, although there was some weird choices that they decided to make with the killer's line delivery after it was revealed. - Considering this movie basically already made it's money back and they probably want to s---t Scream VII so it can come out next year I hope they take some risks, Sam's character arc can be super interesting to the point where I hope they don't play it safe. - I think the needle drops of Mike Shinoda into Denzel Curry into Billie Eilish in a 10min time span is very funny. - All in all I really enjoyed a lot of it and I'm very interested to see where it goes cause these writers seem to know what's up for the most part. P.S. Jenna Ortega is in fact, still hot. As is the case with most of the cast.