Oct 23, 2022 Nah, saw its on some streaming service I don't have..... also, I thought the original kinda s----d so kinda unsure if I should lmao Also... does anyone have Halloween Ends as a download? Not torrent. I got a mp4 one thats like 289 mb which is fine for phone but I wanna play it on tv next week so like 700-800mb quality pls. Thanks in advance!
Oct 23, 2022 I don't blame you, since most of it's in pretty awful taste. But as I say Brake is fantastic in it, and saves the movie from being totally forgettable. If the very first scene with him didn't make you stick around though, maybe it's just not for you.
Oct 23, 2022 Def, watching stuff from the silent era can be cool to see film history and such but yeah I'm with you. It's not something I'm watching with any regularity. I was gonna suggest Psycho first. Rear Window is a must-watch classic. For a slightly deeper cut I'd highly, highly recommend Rope. Filmed to look like it's shot all in one take (only limited by the fact that cameras could only have up to 10 min of film in them back then) and takes place in "real time." Both of them can be rented on Amazon it looks like (or streamed on peacock lol), tho I'm not sure if Amazon rentals are the same in every country. I know streaming services differ
Oct 23, 2022 Are people really liking halloween kills more now that ends is out? I thought kills was one of the worst movies I've ever seen when it came out last year, and I never intended to watch it again. I know the start was decent, but other than that I remember the characters and dialogue being so bad it was hard to even watch. The kills were quick and over the top instead of Myers stalking his victims, building suspense etc.. I dunno, I just don't want all this good talk about it to force me to re-watch it again...I mean I HATED it the first time, thought it was sooo bad...Those of you talking better about it, did you like it originally and just like it more now? Or did you hate it like I did and now somehow like it? If so I don't get what I'm missing or forgetting, I thought that movie was such garbage.
Oct 23, 2022 Thanks man, I obviously heard of Rear Window before (think it had a remake too?) but never seen it. Gonna look for that after Halloween and Rope too. Yeah streaming is a b---- here I cant use peacock.. I mostly either download movies or, when they really seem worth it, buy them on dvd. Especially older movies are mostly just like 7 or 8 euro's so thats fine.
Oct 23, 2022 As a movie, I really liked it the first time in theatre despite its flaws. Watched it again 2 weeks later on Halloween. Gonna watch it again in a week. However, it did not do anything to move the story along, it really felt like a 'middle' movie, with Ends bringing the story to an end. Since Ends did a really s-----y job at that, and even completely ignored the key elements of Kills, it honestly makes Kills even more throwaway. But I dunno I enjoyed it and I will probably again even if it, especially knowing what we know now, was pointless.
Oct 23, 2022 Aight, watched 3 again today Hereditary (s/o @Lil Squeed ) Great movie about sadness, grief and loss. The build up to the story is really good, getting to know and feeling for the characters. The first hour really is just a drama movie, that focusses on that. The 2nd hour it changes into a horror movie, with similarities to Conjuring, Insidious etc. and really well done. The twist really is something else though, love it. However, to me this is a movie to see once. That first hour is not something I would wanna rewatch: if you already know what happens it is kinda boring. Conclusion: even if it's not gonna be on my anual list, great and mostly unique movie every horror fan should see! 8/10 It Follows If I didn't know better, I'd say this is a John Carpenter movie. The score/music, the way its filmed... feels so similar. And the town really looks like Haddonfield, the opening after the credits is similar too. I love how this movie is made. I also like the story, something unique and creepy. However, the characters are really boring. They all do nothing but sit around all day, making it kinda hard to really care. The lead is good though. I wish it was a little scarier and they gave some sort of explanation for it (a sequel maybe?) but its definitely a good movie to me. 7.5/10 Happy death day 2 Where the first one really feels like a slasher to me, this is more revenge of the geeks. I like the story, and they really added some cool twists. The characters are all fun, and its cool overall. But this sequel wasn't really needed tbh. The first one was great, and at the end there was some sort of closure which they kinda ruined here. But the twists and the way they brought the characters back in a different way, was really cool! 6.5/10
Oct 23, 2022 Watched The Black Phone yesterday. Great movie, great cast. Especially Ethan Hawke, his best performance in years! 9/10
Oct 23, 2022 Kills has dumb moments but it's a fun movie. 2018 was a bit slow sometimes. Ends is just forgettable.
Oct 23, 2022 What's going on, peeps? Here's a few horror/thriller films I've watched over the past week or so Diabolique (1955) - 10/10 Eyes Without a Face (1960) - 7/10 Halloween Ends - 3/10 (This s--- should've ended with '18) Terrifier - 7/10 (Not big on gory s---, but I enjoyed this for what it was) Terrifier 2 - 7/10 (The gore in this one is turned up to 100, again not my type of thing, but I liked it) I prefer Psychological horror films though, so back to that
Oct 23, 2022 Just watched H20 again. Pretty bad still but still not as bad as Kills or Ends. H20 was just a bad scream ripoff, part of the charm of it, is the campiness of that film. The latest two films has nothing about them, pretty dull, emotionless and writers have no idea how to write a iconic horror character. Halloween franchise has more bad to meh films than it has good now. Even Resurrection makes these two latest films look good in comparison to them.
Oct 23, 2022 I turned off Terrifier 1 after 40 minutes lol. Heard the 2nd one is even more gross so pass.
Oct 23, 2022 I really, really am curious what the original plan was for Ends. There is no f---ing way they wanted to make the final movie the Corey show when they started this... half of the trailer is not even in the movie, neither corey or alyson are that much present in the trailer. At the same time, they were advertising the showdown between Laurie and Michael the whole time. And they even gave Kyle Richards (lindsey) this whole "Final Girl'" t-shirt. For what? She was only in a few scenes and was never in danger lol. At least in Kills she got to fight him. Same goes for Hawkins; his first words in Kills were 'he needs to die and I'm the one who's gonna do it!' And what did he get? A scene in the supermarket and sitting on the porch with Laurie at the end lol. This was just so weird.
Oct 23, 2022 I also watched that last week — I liked it a lot but I felt like Spoiler the supernatural aspect was treated...almost inconsequentially? I don't mean in terms of direct plot cuz obviously the movie hinges on the phone and the dreams, but the explanation was sorta like "oh btw the mom had powers too." Maybe I missed something but why can the Grabber hear the phone ringing (and the ghosts talking to him through it at the end) if the implication is that the two kids have supernatural powers because it was passed onto them from their mom? Just felt like that coulda been explored a bit more since it's so important to the plot. why'd they have to k--- Robin tho RIP to a real one