Oct 14, 2022 I've seen some reviews without spoilers and they gave it a 6/10 . I don't know, Kills for example had some things I didn't like but it was watchable.
Oct 14, 2022 Yeah I gave it a 6/10 too on my imdb review. Mostly for the effort and good parts. Which is fine but I hoped something different I guess. Minutes after it I said it sux. It got a little better. Also. Kills is a 7/10 for me. Mostly enjoyable for me. But they kinda ruined some aspects of Myers here that he had in H1, 2018 and Kills.
Oct 14, 2022 Seems like it’s getting a lot of mixed reviews. Scares me hearing a lot of people hated it. Some are saying they really enjoyed it. I hope I’m not disappointed.
Oct 14, 2022 It all depends on how you go in. If you expect a continuation of the Halloween movies and the story of Michael... you end up being mad at first like I was. However they did make a very ambitious movie and took a risk making this.. in time I think I will like it more. However, its still a mess overall.
Oct 14, 2022 Yeah, it happens. I wasn't a big Kills fan but if you compare to the old ones, it's more entertaining.
Oct 14, 2022 Spoiler the biggest issue I have is the absence of Myers and how it changed from being beat down, stabbed and shot.. getting up and slaughtering 20 people, murdering an entire fire department. to losing a fight against a teenager and a 60 year old woman Non spoiler; this movie is really disconnected from Halloween (2018) and Kills. Thats the major issue. If this was a first movie / reboot or a legacy sequel like Scream 5... fine. But to end a franchise, no.
Oct 14, 2022 Also, what the f--- is up with having Kyle Richards to return as Lindsey and not give her a serious role here lol
Oct 14, 2022 The embargo lifting so close to the release is always a red flag to me. I think it’s literally a couple hours before the official release lol. I just think they f----- themselves from the jump with straight to streaming. Box office will be s---, so I don’t expect a reboot this decade lol. but I’m all for risks being taken, especially in a 50 year old franchise lol. I’m watching sometime this week. Will come back with my thoughts.
Oct 14, 2022 Already got it thanks Gonna watch it again soon. Saw it in theatre maybe the experience is different
Oct 14, 2022 lol that was awful. I only enjoyed Laurie vs Michael at the end. Shout out to Peacock for not making me waste money
Oct 14, 2022 I'm not interested in halloween ends now after all this wack jazz I'ma f--- with smile. Looks eerie and creepy Edit..halloween is free so I'll watch it
Oct 14, 2022 I'm watching halloween now and lol what's up with the first death... how did this kid faceplant fall then do a yoga pose before he died. I'm five minutes in and this s--- is f---in dumb