Sep 29, 2020 the ring is legendary...definitely was popular at that time...cult status...similar to Blair witch project....both were unique..and huge finically success,,,,never watched the sequels lol looking forward to those reviews. haven’t watched it as an adult lol but as a kid the story is freaky...#cursevideotapes gotta give insidious a try soon...seems like you enjoy those
Sep 29, 2020 True! Ring 2 is great, has been a while gonna watch that this week too, maybe today Gonna give my thoughts! If u enjoy conjuring u will like insidious. They're a little less scary (imo) but definitely close to the quality.
Sep 29, 2020 Im watching at least these 31 films in October Scream The Thing Sinister Night of the Living Dead Psycho The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) Creepshow 30 Days of Night Kwaidan Ready or Not The Exorcist Dawn of the Dead (1978) Friday the 13th Friday the 13th Part 2 The Devils Rejects The Crazies (2010) Alien Underwater Jaws Zombieland Jeepers Creepers The Lost Boys Us The Evil Dea Evil Dead 2 World War Z Mandy Halloween (1978) Halloween II (1981) Halloween (2018) Trick 'r Treat I tried my best to have a good mix of classic and modern films, campy films and blockbusters, and sprinkled in some not so scary movies that fit the bill.
Sep 29, 2020 check out my universal horror monster movie list on letterboxd. recommend u try to sprinkle in 1-2 tbh, that period and Hammer are my favorite horror eras... @Michael Myers also u guys see Ghost Story w fred astaire, just reviewed that too. worth peeping edit btw just watched creepshow 2... and Trick 'r Treat. the anthologies are fun. the peter cushing cat one i just saw was intriguing, as was the karen black one
Sep 29, 2020 Try Tales Of Halloween. Sorta like Trick r Treat but w 8 short stories. ToT is better but still a nice watch. Will check and comment on ur and @Martha Stewart list tomorrow morning. Just finished The Entity and Grudge (2020) review coming tomorrow and its gonna surprise pple I think
Sep 29, 2020 I just watched The Exorcist and I hated a few scenes, I really felt unconfortable during some scenes...
Sep 29, 2020 No thats the good one! I think the og didn't have that part they re'released it w this and other scenes iirc
Sep 30, 2020 Having a few days off is awesome! The Entity Yeah I don't really know what this was supposed to be. A woman gets r---d by an invisable entity or a ghost, and some weirdo science kids are trying to freeze it. Does it make sense? h--- no. Is it scary? Not really. But the thought of some ghost getting into ur bedroom having sex w u is kinda creepy. And, honestly, some of the scenes were kinda hot lmao. But yeah it was a ok watch, but not something I'd revisit. 5.5/10 The Grudge (2020) So the thing I saw most in reviews before watching is the comparison to the 'original' franchise. I haven't seen the Sarah Michelle Gellar versions in like 10 years so I kinda forgot about them. Definitely gonna rewatch them this october tho! But honestly it was a good thing because this was a complete new story. No sequel, no prequel, no spin off, starting from scratch. Yes the basic idea for 'the grudge' is the same and the creepy noise too but where the 2004 version and sequel focussed on Japan and the creature, here it's completely different. The movie isn't in chronological order btw. The different stories are told by going back and forth into present day (which is 2006) and the past (2004). And it keeps going back and forth till all the stories come together. At first its kinda annoying but once u get used to it it's actually kinda cool. So yeah, ignore the franchise and you can definitely enjoy this. At least I did! I guess it's more close to a traditional haunting movie than the 2004 version. 7.5/10 @cpt awesome WPG joint acc @BIGFOOT @Rick James @DetroitDGAF @Detroit24 @Judas Black @Martha Stewart