Sep 22, 2020 d---. Well that could be cool! Curious how they are gonna do that... maybe the boghuul is from 'the further' initially? Also, yess sinister 2 absolutely sucks. One is a hit 2 is a miss
Sep 22, 2020 Curse of Chucky h--- yes. Childs Play 1 was dope, 2 and 3 okay. Bride was a major change into horror/comedy and ngl I liked it. Seed was afwul though, never scary and the whole Scream 3 idea (killing in Hollywood, having the OG characters idea) failed. The kid was f---ing annoying. When Curse was announced I was like oh here we go again. But d---. A return to the original series. Focussing on Charles Lee Rays life and using Chucky in a haunted house setting. Really like this movie, a return to form tbh. Love how it also explains the backstory of the family which flows over into Childs Play 1. Soundtrack also >>> 8.5/10
Sep 22, 2020 I personally don't think the Nun was THAT bad I like how it was directly connected to the first film
Sep 22, 2020 There are definitely worse movies for sure but w these spin offs I kinda set the bar as high as the first Conjuring movies. Annabelle didn't come close but was average (imo) and The Nun just didn't do it for me sadly. Have u seen Lloronja?
Sep 23, 2020 Spin offs like Annabelle are fine I meant like the nun, and esp the curse, its just stupid bs, make them their own f---ing thing. Ah I get that
Sep 23, 2020 I seen parts here and there, I need to sit down one weekend and catch up on some films, like I been doing for the past 2
Sep 24, 2020 Exorcist Conjuring 2 Halloween (1978) The Shining Nightmare on Elm Street My top 5, with the bottom 4 being interchangeable
Sep 24, 2020 IDK if I've ever shared this, but here's my top 50 horror films list
Sep 28, 2020 Aight, Watched a few these past couple of days again. Scream 3 Okay, so yeah I got really mixed feelings here. Basically, the whole meta, selfaware stuff is what made Scream 1, 2 and also 4 stand out and unique compared to other slashers. In 3 they had that little Randy video talking about trilogies but it was so awkward and out of place since it was never mentioned before or after again. The opening w Cotton was cool. And I like how they went back to Sid's mother, and the fact that the movie focussed more on Dewey/Gale than Sidney. The hollywood actors and actresses were so annoying though. The college kids and highschool kids from 1 and 2 >>> these people. The eventual twist was cool ngl. And I like that its a nice closure to the story. But yeah the movie itself is far below 1, 2 and also 4. Giving it a 6/10. PS: YESSS Scream 5!!!! Holidays So basically these are 8 or 12 (already forgot) short stories, that take place on holidays; fathers day, mothers day, st patrick, halloween, easter etc. It reminds me of Tales Of Halloween, that has the same set up. Except of course all of them take place on Halloween and, in the end, all stories come together. Holidays just has a couple of stupid, like really stupid stories that are never scary just lame as f---, and I dunno how anyone can actually enjoy that movie. 3/10 for the concept because that was cool. Execution, lame af except for a few creepy parts. @BIGFOOT @Detroit24 @DetroitDGAF @Rick James @cpt awesome WPG joint acc @Judas Black @Martha Stewart Gonna watch Insid 1&2 now!
Sep 28, 2020 agree with scream review...never watched holidays... scream 1/2 are also my favourite ...looking forward to scream 5 but was not a fan of 3 or 4
Sep 29, 2020 Insidious A lot of haunted house movies are more of the same. And yes, Insidious also has a lot of genre clichés but at this point its kinda impossible to be 100% original. However, it the astral projection, the further, ghosts trying to take over their bodies etc. Pretty cool. Also think the cliché parts are done really well. Scary, intense and the characters are played perfectly u actually care for them. Really cool movie. Ending is f---ing great too 8/10 Insidious 2 LOVE that it picks up right after where 1 left off. The dads behaviour is great, amazing acting. We all know there was something off of course but those little things (talking to himself in the mirror etc) make it interesting. But the thing that really sells it, is that in part 1 we saw things happening and Elaine telling us that in the further time is non excistent. And in 2 they went back and showed that Josh himself was haunting the house trying to warn his family, and talking to his younger self. Last time I saw this is in Harry Potter 3. Great movie and yeah u cant watch just one or 2 it really is a 2 parter. 8.2/10 The Ring This movie scared the h--- out of me when I was a kid. In 2020, it doesn't really scare me that much anymore but I still think its a really great movie. The story is unique, the whole mystery about the tape is perfect and the characters are real. Naomi Watts > 8/10. But, like Insidious watching part 2 makes 1 even better because more stuff is explained. @BIGFOOT @Detroit24 @DetroitDGAF @Rick James @cpt awesome WPG joint acc @Judas Black @Martha Stewart
Sep 29, 2020 Great list! Might re-update mine as well. Just dont like rec cuz I hate found footage / POV type of movies
Sep 29, 2020 I'll watch some of these today, hopefully I won't have a heart attack. If I stop posting suddenly, it's Myers fault.
Sep 29, 2020 Wish u didn't say this cuz if u do the whole forum is gonna send me flowers and thank you notes
Sep 29, 2020 So which are u gonna watch. I'm debating The Entity or the new Pet Sematary rn... first one not sure if I will like it as a horror but yeah