Sep 10, 2020 Imma watch Drag Me To h--- tomorrow night have seen all three but it’s been a long time since I watched DMTH tbh
Sep 20, 2020 I watched Antebellum last night... Yh it wasn’t very good imo. Don’t want to give away any spoilers, but Yh, not that great.
Sep 20, 2020 I’d be giving spoilers away but half way thru it’s a wtf is going on thing lol but at the end everything is explained. It’s just mad average imo Get Out still rains supreme fam
Sep 20, 2020 Put it this way... I had two breaks during the film and it isn’t even a two hour movie it’s 1.45
Sep 20, 2020 Aight. But US was also explained at the end even if it didn't make 1% sense lmao I'll probably watch it sometime
Sep 20, 2020 also started my anual 6 weeks of horror movies last week. Maybe I'll do a short review for every one I watched hmmm. Both new and classics btw
Sep 20, 2020 So far Sinister Like I said earlier, to me a top 5 horror movie from the 2010's. The great thing about this is that you hardly see the 'monster' and the horrors of the movie are (even if they're supernatural) human. Actually creeped me the f--- out seeing this the second time. Very intense. Not gonna spoil for people that haven't seen it but man those video's... 9/10 Insidious 4; The Last Key 2nd watch. Nice little sidestory about Elaine, the paranormal investigator from the previous movies. This movie actually ends w the events of Insidious 1. The chronological order is actually 3, 4, 1, 2. After 3 movies its nice to dig into her life a little and know her story, but that's kinda it. There's nothing new and the movie never reaches the level of the other installments. 6.5/10 Christine Actually my first time seeing this. The biggest star here is easily John Carpenter. The music and sound effects remind me so much of Halloween 3 its great. As for the story, its cool. The characters are kinda shallow and I never actually cared for them, but overall is a nice and (then) kinda unique movie. The psychological change the guy made was actually scarier than the car itself lol. 7.5/10 @BIGFOOT @Rick James @M Solo @Detroit24 @DetroitDGAF @marshmallow @Judas Black If u wanna be mentioned for the next lmk. And if course, curious about ur thoughts!
Sep 20, 2020 I think, after 3 movies of the woman being a side character supporting the leads it was cool to see 'her' story. For that I gave it a little above average. But yeah, compared to the others it was not that good, and not really scary at all.
Sep 20, 2020 have not watched Christine or Insidious but...I agree Sinister is creepy as f---...Ethan hawke did a great job...I’ve only watched it once... They did a great job to add authenticity with that old home video/ snuff style of film The movie has diabolical new twists that are rare sometimes in horror films... maybe I need to have nightmares once again lol
Sep 20, 2020 Yeah true. You know most horror movies, even the good ones, aren't even that original anymore. Like.. conjuring is 'just' a haunted house movie. But they added some elements and the execution was f---ing great and scary, so to me its a 10/10. You don't have to be original. Look at US, they tried to be original and it got too complicated. But sometimes a twist or something different definitely works, and that is what Sinister did. The snuff movies are so f---ing scary, even more than that demon. Especially if u find out the truth. Masterpiece tbh.