Jun 16, 2023 I barely ever drink or smoke myself, stopped years ago. Hangovers ruin the appeal of drinking and i only smoke weed occasionally
Jun 16, 2023 Yeah, that makes sense. It’s hard to find enjoyment in it, especially alcohol. I mostly just feel like s--- after
Jun 16, 2023 I haven’t gotten a chance to listen yet but I’m glad to see people enjoying this. Killer Mike deserves his flowers. Will listen to this as soon as I get a chance Edit: this first song is HARD
Jun 17, 2023 KILLER MIKE HAS UNRELEASED TRACK WITH 7-MINUTE ANDRÉ 3000 VERSE IN THE STASH There is another Killer Mike and Dre feature and all we gotta do is make this album go No. 1 and make the guys from the label really, really happy and I’ll be back next year… It’s about 12 minutes — seven and five. Stacks rap longer. When you handsome all the girls like you you get to rap longer.”
Jun 19, 2023 Yup. You’d really have to try hard to find some sort of issue with it. Everything is on point
Jun 19, 2023 Well here i am again hating. Gonna write something negative about it soon but i haven’t listened to it yet so yall have to give me some time please
Jun 19, 2023 I’m surprised nobody has got a verse from big boo and a verse from Andre and not told them and put them on the same track