Dec 16, 2020 Eminem went pop since recovery and lost respect in the game If he remained surrounded by Gs and kept his sound he would’ve never lost his position He slowly regaining his spot since kamikaze but he needs a new hit ( not a pop hit ) and he needs to make songs with gangsta artists not corny a--- rappers like logic
Dec 17, 2020 Agreed, I genuinely believe despite some listeners not liking encore/re up songs, I think this was the height of his respect when it came to strictly rap heads due to the beefs, the 50, g unit, busta etc affiliations, he had a more street sounds and was heavy into the actual beef stuff with actual rappers Hops in, logic, Joyner are for f---ing nerds. Listening Joyner in his top rappers list is actually cringe af
Dec 17, 2020 People listen to Drake, even other artists. With Em, I think it's just fans and exfans, and some haters who are curious or just want to trash the project.
Dec 17, 2020 I’m curious to know who would cost more for a feature today,,,both heavyweights...guaranteed to get views and spins with a verse or chorus by 1 of these 2.... drake more popular with younger generations at the moment...Eminem has a crazy following but a bit older....don’t think teenagers and younger adults pay as much attention to Em anymore...since he’s pushing 50
Dec 19, 2020 im so glad you posted this, I havent listened in years and this took me back. Such an elite level of rapping on Scarface, PMW, etc. I don't think Drake ever approached this level, Em maybe in his early days.
Dec 19, 2020 I think January is going to be fun. I expect Drake to promote his project as much as he can right now.
Jan 12, 2025 I don't think he's d-ck riding either. And that newest album claps. I just dont see how people say Drakes better "now" while discounting the highest earning rapper of all time. Thems facts. Drake's good but he wont ever be better than Em "now". Times are just movin on and the younger generation who didn't come up listening to same s--- are goin a different way. Just the way history rolls. Nobody has to be better now. Just different if you wanna stand out
Jan 12, 2025 Drake has never been close to Em rapping. Lol Even Em Drugged out and slurring, rapping about h----------s and Vicodin is outrapping prime Drake anyday. Yall goofy
Jan 12, 2025 Eminem in his 50's and is the biggest streamed rapper. And streaming services weren't around when eminem was in his prime. Sit down