Jan 24, 2025 Random but I always wanted garth Brooks on a eminem hook. Two goats from different genres would absolutely shatter records
Jan 24, 2025 'Til I was eleven, I bed-wetted, the red-headed adopted My f---in' head's braindead, get it? I lost it (Woo) Med fetish, I was fed lettuce and sausage With a side of Valium, poached eggs, relish, and Frosted Flakes, skulls, arms, legs, skeletons in the closet Elephant Man's relics, pelicans feed off him He's awesome, telekinesis through Steve Hawking There are no more lines 'cause he's crossed 'em Relapse era Em was a different beast with his flows…this is just so smooth on the ears & addicting to listen to
Jan 24, 2025 Yeah n always did interesting s--- with the words, pronounciations. This is what I always say about Relapse, ofc I can hear the 'accents' like middle-eastern or Indian hints n s---, but it's mostly... to me... just him maximising word sounds. Thas why you can't place 1 accent, it's like... if he says 'key', the 'e' sound will be like eeeeeee. Like, just absolutely maximised word sounds for maximum effect of rhyme n delivery. It's a misunderstood masterwork in that sense. It's already been looked back on fonder by critcs and obviously fans, but I think with even more time and re-assessment they will realise. The subject-matter is almost meaningless with Relapse too (I don't really care what he's talking about), it's definitely a style over substance piece, but so what, some things are... itS style is so magnificent, it doesn't really matter. It's just like a beautiful painting.
Jan 24, 2025 supposedly it's a V1 of G.O.A.T (not the one that leaked years ago) those who know about this s--- might be able to tell whether it's real or not
Jan 24, 2025 guy on leaked.cx supposedly has some Encore era tracks he's uploading later. Mostly HQ versions of already leaked songs like Bully and Can I b----, but apparently a track called "Curtains" and some 2005 stuff
Jan 24, 2025 All the snippets are LQ, and the only "new" thing he's posted is a censored version of Monkey See which could easily be fan made. Almost certainly a troll looking for attention.